19 May 2007

Sedona, USA

Beautifull Sedona, Arizona. Full of that red sand rock that we all have seen on "Cowboy" movies. Except that, the City have very little else. I will call it a "Been there, done that and moved on" kind of City. Nice to experince, but I doubt I will return.

Grand Canyon

What is there to say? Amazing!

Hover Dam

Just something I had to see. Not as impressing today, but they made this before wwII, and that is impressing. How they did the math with no computers, and still got it right is a wonder.

Williams, Route 66

During my brief trip in Arizona and Nevada, I got to travel a little distance on a piece of road that was part of the well known route 66.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas - what could I possible say except that you need to experience the city yourself. My only regrets from my journey was that I only had 2 days in Vegas. That is way to little time for a city like this. Next time (and there will be a next time) I'll plan my trip so that I get a least one week. I was able to do the Eiffel tower, some of the most famous hotels, but have lots of places left to explore.