26 June 2006

Pisa - Italy

This Tower need no introduction. I had to see it when I was in Italy, but besides this tower and the sorrounding buildings, there was nothing else in Pisa.

08 June 2006


Rome I’ve visited Rome, but only for a short time. I managed to see the Pantheon, The Spanish steps, The Vatican and some squares and monuments. Unfortunately I did not have the time to see Coliseum. I guess I have to visit again and next time make sure that I have more than a day available. I visited Rome as part of my cruise Tags: ,

Voyager of The Seas

I was on a Cruise in the Mediterranean from May 27nth to June 3rd 2006. I used to belive that cruises was for old people with blue and red hair, but I admit I was wrong. Cruise is for people in all ages. I recommend you all to try a cruise. You will not regret. Tags: , ,